Greenwood Oaks
Venue & Gardens
Are you stressed about planning a wedding and don’t know where to start? We are Daniel & Meredith Shrader, Greenwood Oaks Venue owners with over 150 weddings of experience, and we’re here to help you!
“I can’t even begin to put into words how amazing not only this venue but the owners Daniel and Meredith were. Anything we asked, wanted, or dreamed of for my wedding day, they made it happen. Daniel and Meredith treat you like family and welcome you with open arms. I am SOOOO thankful I chose their venue to have my wedding at!! The pictures and the view speak for themselves!! Highly recommend Greenwood Oaks for all your wedding needs!!!”
~Sara, a 2024 Greenwood Oaks bride.
Mountains, Water, Flowers, Lights! Why not have it all?
We’re the only venue in the region with views of the mountains AND the water, our rose gardens and wildflower meadows bloom spectacularly in their seasons, and romantic lights add the perfect magical touch to your wedding day!
You can trust us to help make your wedding amazing, but you don’t have to take our word for it. Read what real couples have to say.
Chris & Hannah
May 30, 2021
Cody & Teresa
November 6, 2022
Timothy & Colleen
October 27, 2023
Sara & David
April 13, 2024

Greenwood Oaks Venue & Gardens is the only garden wedding venue in the Greeneville, Tennessee area as well as the broader Tri-Cities region of East Tennessee. If you have been searching for a wedding venue with gorgeous flower gardens, stunning mountain views, fields of wildflowers, a beautiful pond, and tons of romantic lights including our majestic oak tree with fairy lights, our venue is just the place. With multiple ceremony sites to choose from and an incredible bridal suite that feels like a salon, we create the perfect environment for a stress free wedding day. Our great room reception space features white shiplap that is clean and bright, a wall of windows lets in abundant natural light and offers a spectacular mountain view while our back patio looks out over the pond with the mountains beyond. Whether you are having an intimate wedding with 12 guests, or a grand wedding with 150 guests, we can help take the stress out of your wedding day. We’re located right on the edge of charming Greeneville, Tennessee. Come see why couples travel from Knoxville, Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, Morristown, Johnson City, Kingsport, Bristol, Asheville, and all over the country to have their wedding here in the mountains of East Tennessee.